Our Approach

At Turiya, our approach to driving meaningful change is both comprehensive and deeply rooted. We believe in harnessing the power of both people-centric strategies and system-level interventions to catalyze holistic organizational evolution. Our philosophy embraces the dynamic interplay between individuals and the broader organizational framework, recognizing that true transformation occurs at the intersection of these interconnected realms.
Central to our approach is the development of a business roadmap. Through collaborative mind mapping sessions, we extract valuable insights that translate into actionable plans—a roadmap shaped by collective input. This living document provides a clear plan for the entire year, ensuring alignment and momentum towards shared goals. It fosters a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability, empowering organizations to navigate the complexities of change and achieve enduring success.
Embarking on a transformative journey with Turiya means embracing a holistic approach that encompasses the six key pillars below:

Organizational Culture
Leaders understand the critical role a robust corporate culture plays in achieving a competitive edge. Our areas of expertise encompass evaluating your existing culture, empowering your leadership team to lead cultural change effectively, accelerating and managing culture transformations, crafting purpose and values that inspire and mobilize your workforce, and ensuring that your desired culture permeates every stage of your talent lifecycle.

Change Management
At Turiya, we recognize the significance of effective change management in our client engagements. Whether your organization is undergoing significant transformation or seeking strategic guidance for ongoing change initiatives, our expertise in change management ensures a seamless and successful transition. By actively engaging employees, fostering transparent communication, and prioritizing people, we help you achieve aligned business objectives and maintain a highly engaged workforce, ultimately serving as your catalysts for change.

Organizational Effectiveness
Realizing your organizational goals and igniting the potential of your workforce requires a deliberate focus on driving organizational effectiveness. At Turiya, we specialize in introducing impactful initiatives that revolve around elevating employee engagement, amplifying manager effectiveness, and nurturing high-performing teams. By implementing these strategic measures, we not only help you attain your objectives but also cultivate a motivated and cohesive workforce, paving the way for sustainable success.

Inclusion and Engagement
At Turiya, we champion inclusion and engagement as pivotal components of our client-centric approach. Whether it's with your staff, customers, or industry professionals, we are committed to fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered. Our initiatives are designed to bridge the gap between diverse perspectives, promote active participation, and inspire meaningful connections. By prioritizing inclusion and engagement, we help you create a workplace and business ecosystem that thrives on collaboration, innovation, and  mutual respect.

Nurturing Skills & Talents
At Turiya, we recognize the intrinsic value of nurturing skills and talents within your staff. Our approach is centered on identifying and harnessing the untapped potential and strengths that reside within your workforce. By investing in skill development and talent cultivation, we empower individuals to reach their full capabilities. This not only leads to enhanced personal growth but also contributes significantly to your organization's success. We believe that by nurturing skills and talents, we can collectively build a resilient and high-achieving workforce that propels your business to new heights.

Effective Communication
At Turiya, we understand the pivotal role of communication in fostering employee  engagement and enhancing organizational credibility. Our strategic approach to internal communication spans a spectrum of channels, from employee meetings to public events. By executing communication initiatives with precision and purpose, we create a culture of transparency, collaboration, and trust. This not only strengthens employee engagement but also enhances the organization's credibility in the eyes of both internal and external stakeholders.

One of the qualities that truly stood out to me was Yousef's excellent teamwork skills. He thrives in collaborative environments and effortlessly establishes strong connections with his colleagues. He consistently sets high standards for himself and his team, constantly striving for excellence. With his strategic mindset, he effectively identified opportunities and created robust plans to maximize growth for businesses.

Dina Alsaadi

Yousef’s expertise and dedication were evident throughout our entire collaboration. He possessed a deep understanding of the complexities of the business and had a remarkable ability to analyze and assess any situation. His insights helped us navigate various challenges and make informed decisions, ultimately leading to remarkable improvements and helped us achieve our communication goals.

Faisal Khazaal

He (Yousef) took the time to familiarize himself with our corporate environment, enabling him to tailor his coaching approach to our specific context. This personalized attention has fostered a sense of trust and collaboration among our employees, leading to enhanced teamwork and increased productivity. He has encouraged us to challenge traditional mindsets and embrace a more open and inclusive work environment.

Mohammed Al Qemlas

I was going through a very difficult time in my life. Many changes and challenges were waving towards me. I felt I needed that extra clarity and support to be able to make the right decisions, feel calmer and more collective, and Yousef really helped me in achieving that. Our sessions have guided me to prioritize and figure out what I really wanted in subjects like career, family and friendships.

Hanan Zubaid

Yousef is a multi-experienced business operations consultant and coach who brings to the table an empathetic approach, supporting the client both professionally and on a deeper mental/emotional level. Yousef is a big believer in teamwork and helps to identify the hidden potential of every coworker and bring it to the surface.

Noorah Hadeed